Our Livestock Guardian Dogs

Ours has been a baptism of fire - the first wolf attacks arrived out of the blue in the early 2000's, but after several seasons it became obvious that our goats would never be safe to graze freely as they had until then, and as we had envisioned our farm to be.
We raise Cashmere goats specifically because we choose not to slaughter as our primary business - nor do we want to kill the wildlife in our ecosystem, so we have been forced to invent non lethal solutions to the presence of predators in our area, that permit the co-existence of our goats and the local predators; a balance that is fragile, complicated and costly, and that requires an immense investment of time, patience and money.

Currently we use a system of electric fencing that varies with the particular land we are grazing, together with a team of LGD (Large Guard Dogs), specifically, the ABRUZZO SHEPHERD, together with the GREAT PYRENEESE, which have been raised for centuries as the livestock guardian dogs of choice for protection against wolves and bear.

To ensure the safety of our 200+ cashmere goats, we maintain a pack of 15 adult dogs, which - together with the use of electric fencing - act as an effective deterent

We also collaborate with several national and international groups who promote and sustain the correct breeding and use of these dog breeds to allow land holders such as us to co-exist with our local predators and other protected species

For this reason, we have been selected by the
Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network as the first farm in Europe to obtain "WILDLIFE FRIENDLY" certification for our products, specifically our SUSTAINABLE CASHMERE


Our dogs are carefully bred Abruzzo/Great Pyr crosses. We select for health, temperment, socialization and ability to co-exist with their four-legged charges, the predators they are meant to keep away, and with the humans they are in contact with.

Our dogs are reliably gentle, protective, and loyal. They are suited - not only for livestock protection - but also for inclusion in rural situations where they also interact with family, visitors and guests.

All of our dogs are raised outdoors with their charges . they are super-easy to care for, and are definitely the choce for those of you who want a large, easy-going dog for farms, estates, and private properties

Not suitable for apartment dwellers. Parents and siblings visibile, visitors by appointment
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