Adopt a Kid

While riding out this heartbreaking pandemic, we at Chianti Cashmere look forward to your next visit. In the meantime, we hope to keep your spirits up by offering you to Adopt a Chianti Cashmere Kid (or Goat or Dog)!

Our unique program gives you the opportunity to foster a baby goat, an adult goat or maybe one of our Pastore Abruzzese puppies for 12 months

Adopt a Kid is for you if:

- you are looking for a unique gift for someone special - a child, relative, friend, significant other, teacher - just about anyone would love a ‘kid’!
- you have visited our farm and said ''Oh, I'd love to have a baby goat''
- you have always wanted a baby goat but live in the city
- you don’t know a goat from a sheep (or a kid from a lamb) but would like to
- you are a goat-lover who'd rather keep their goats at a distance
- for anybody who thinks having a Cashmere goat is a “must-have”
- and, most important of all, if you were meant to be in Italy this year and won't be able to get here. this is the closest you can get without getting in an airplane and still be part of a little Tusan experience without moving from home!!


DETAILS: For a cost of only 100 Euros (roughly 9 Euros a month) you can adopt your Chianti Cashmere Kid from our photo gallery, choose his or her name. You (or your person of choice) will receive an Adoption Certificate immediately by e-mail, and over the course of the year you will receive regular 'progress reports' about your kid/goat, along with ordinary and extraordinary news from our farm.

We hope you will all come and visit your goats here in Tuscany before he or she is all grownup, and don't forget to follow us on FB and Instagram, for daily updates! Click here to request adoption
Increasingly, people sensitive to the issues of animal welfare, environmental sustainability and ethical agricultural practices are taking this chance to 'Adopt' a kid or an adult Cashmere Goat: this is your opportunity to support livestock production that puts the animals first. Because of our attention and commitment to raise our livestock while co-existing with our local predators and ensuring local biodiversity, we are currently the only farm in Europe certified by the WILDLIFE FRIENDLY ENTERPRISE NETWORK

Animals CAN be raised naturally and still be economically sustainable. We have shown that it can be done and continue to encourage others to join our ranks, despite the fact that over the last ten years we have, in the past, lost dozens of prized animals following wolf attacks. In 2010 we acquired our first LGD (Livestock Guardian Dogs)and since then have not lost anymore of our livestock to wolf attacks

Our kids are born and raised to live a long and productive life - some of our older goats are over 15 years old and still producing fiber and kids year after year! But due to increased predator numbers, we currently wage an ongoing battle to protect our herd, spending thousands of euros every year for fencing and guard dogs.

By adopting a 'Chianti Cashmere Kid' you will be helping to promote Sustainable Cashmere production and defray the costs related to predator protection; Pastore Abruzzese Guardian Dogs + anti-predator fencing + GPS collars.

So, thank you for your interest, ad we look forward to your visit to meet your own adoptee (PS Don't wait too log or they'll be too big to pick up and cuddle)!

Click here to request adoption
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